It takes an incredible number of people to organize this event and to be ready to feed and entertain 200+ people in less than 4 hour. This event is a produced by the men and women of The Church of God of the Union Assembly in Newnan, GA. But we could not successfully pull off this event without the help of the larger Newnan and Franklin community. We invite anyone who would like to be involved in this event to contact us and get signed up on a team. There are many ways to contribute and there are more than one place to put your skills to work.
We are already prepping for the next Wild Game Dinner and are holding a spot from you, please visit the Volunteer Sign-up page. If you have a particular skill or interest you want to put to good use, we encourage you to contact one of the Team Captains listed below. For general inquiries, contact Louie Wilson at smsbearshockey@yahoo.com